such as calling for help, using intervention-based apps, identifying allies, and/or creating distractions. Programs also offer information on risk reduction that strives to empower victims, how to recognize warning signals, how to avoid potential attacks and do so without victimblaming approaches. Throughout the year, ongoing awareness and prevention campaigns are directed to students and employees, including faculty, often taking the form of campaigns, emails, guest speakers, and events such as a mandatory online training. In the event that sexual misconduct, gender-based violence, or the crimes of sexual assault, stalking, dating violence or domestic violence do occur, Northern takes the matter very seriously. The university employs supportive measures such as interim suspension and/or no contact orders in any case where a student’s behavior represents a risk of violence, threat, pattern, or predation. If a student is accused of sexual misconduct, other gender-based violence or the crimes of rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, or domestic violence, s/he is subject to action in accordance with South Dakota Board of Regents policies. To report incidents please contact the following: Campus Police 605-380-8925 (Emergency 911 on campus) Aberdeen Police Department 605-626-7911 (Emergency 911 off campus) Resources: The following departments may be contacted for assistance with reporting: Student Counseling Services 605-626-3007 or Title IX Coordinator 605-626-3007. Employees with knowledge about sexual misconduct or gender-based violence or the crimes of rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence or domestic violence must report it immediately. Under South Dakota Codified Law §22-11- 12, “Any person who, having knowledge, which is not privileged, of the commission of a felony, conceals the felony, or does not immediately disclose the felony, including the name of the perpetrator, if known, and all the other relevant known facts, to the proper authorities, is guilty of misprision of a felony.” Faculty and staff members (with the exception of Counselors at the Student Counseling Services) are responsible employees and must disclose their knowledge of any felonious activity, including but not limited to sexual misconduct. If you are the victim of sexual misconduct, gender-based violence or the crimes of rape, acquaintance rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence or domestic violence, some or all of these safety suggestions may guide you after an incident has occurred: 1. Go to a safe place and contact Campus Police Officer at 605-380-8925 if you are on campus or call 911 if you are off campus. 2. Consider securing immediate professional support (e.g.: counseling, victim advocacy, medical services, etc.) to assist you in the crisis. 3. If you are on campus during regular business hours, you may go to Student Counseling Services 605-626-3007 or to the Office of Title IX, 605-626-3007 for support and guidance. 4. For your safety and well-being, immediate medical attention is encouraged. Further, being examined as soon as possible, ideally within 96 hours, is important in the case of rape or sexual assault. The hospital will arrange for a specific medical examination at no charge. To preserve Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 13