2023 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

ABERDEEN FIRE DEPARTMENT The Aberdeen Fire Department provides services to the city of Aberdeen. The department maintains a standard of training which encompasses both prompt response to emergencies and the safety of citizens in Aberdeen. Emergency services are available from campus phones by dialing 9-911 or off campus by dialing 911. FIRE SAFETY TRAINING Fire safety is a shared campus concern. Students are made aware of the location of fire safety equipment. Fire evacuation plans and instructions are posted in the residence halls. Residence hall staff are trained in the event of a fire emergency. Fire drills are conducted each semester to ensure students understand emergency evacuation procedures in the residence hall. Students are required to evacuate the building whenever an alarm sounds. If it is necessary and safe to do so, staff may enter rooms to ensure residents have evacuated the building. Students who do not comply with evacuation procedures are subject to conduct proceedings. Fire drills were also conduct in September 2017 in each administrative building. The fire drills were conducted in coordination with Aberdeen Fire & Rescue. All drills were monitored by the Aberdeen Fire & Rescue fire marshal and required remedial actions were implemented where required. FIRE SAFETY INSPECTIONS The university may routinely inspect rooms to insure that the fire standards are being followed. Residents are provided at least 24-hour notice will be given prior to inspections. Residence halls are regularly inspected during closing times (Thanksgiving, semester break and spring break) and as needed for building monitoring during breaks. Aberdeen Fire and Rescue also conduct yearly fire safety inspections in each office space on campus. All deficiencies are document and remedied as appropriate. SMOKE FREE ENVIRONMENT Northern is a smoke free environment. Smoking of any kind, including but not limited to the use of tobacco products and e-cigarettes, is not allowed in any building or on-campus property except for designated parking lot spaces. CITY AND STATE FIRE CODES National Fire Protection Association Fire Prevention Code: 3-1.1.14: Interference with Fire Protection Equipment. No person shall render any portable or fixed fire extinguishing system or device or any fire warning system inoperative or inaccessible except as may be necessary during emergencies, maintenance, drills or prescribed testing. Uniform Fire Code: Sec. 27.302 a. For the purpose of this Section a fire alarm shall be deemed and construed as being any act as follows; The giving, signaling or transmission to any public fire station, or company or to any officer or employee thereof, whether by telephone, spoken word, or otherwise information to the effect that there is a fire at or near the place indicated by the person giving, signaling, or transmitting such information. Annual Security and Fire Safety Report 27