15 2022 ARC3 SURVEY FINDINGS Demographics Questions about demographic information were asked at the end of the survey. Due to the nature of the survey, some participants did not answer all the questions in the survey and the results reported are those who were able to reach the demographic questions. The majority of participants who completed the survey were women (70%) while men accounted for 26% of the population. Most participants were also between the ages of 19-22 (75%) and were within the first two years of their academic programs (60%). Additionally, the majority of participants also reported that they lived on campus (62%). When asked about their race/ethnicity, participants indicated that the majority were White/Caucasian (85%), then two or more races (4%), Hispanic/Latino/a (3%), International student (3%), Asian/Asian American (2%), Black/African American (1%), and Native American/Alaskan Native (1%). Due to the smaller number of participants in minority groups, disaggregate data was not reviewed. Participants were also asked about their sexual orientation. 81% of participants reported being heterosexual and 17% indicated they identified as part of the LGBTQA+ community. Currently, Northern does not have a summary of data based on sexual orientation for current students.