
23 2022 ARC3 SURVEY FINDINGS Knowledge of Resources Using the scale provided, please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: Participants were asked their level of agreement with various statements about their knowledge of campus resources with regard to experiences of sexual misconduct. When asked if participants knew where to get help on Northern’s campus if they or a friend experienced sexual misconduct 49% agreed but 34% disagreed. The survey did not specify help in this question, therefore, participants who have knowledge of health services, counseling services, Title IX Coordinator, or even a trusted faculty or staff member may have been in mind when answering. Further questions asked if participants knew where to report sexual misconduct and if they knew how the process worked. About 43% of participants know how to report and 39% know what happens when they report. Participants were also asked to scale their awareness of various offices or community agencies that support individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct. Many participants were familiar with counseling and health services; however, lacked knowledge with the Office of Student Conduct, Title IX, and Safe Harbor, a local agency that serves individuals who have experienced violence and sexual violence. If a friend or I experienced sexual misconduct, I know where to go to get help on campus. I understand what happens when a student reports a claim of sexual misconduct at Northern. I would know where to go to make a report of sexual misconduct. 34% 49% 41% 39% 43% 43% Please use the following scale to indicate how aware you are of the function of the campus and community resources specifically related to sexual misconduct response at Northern listed below: Office of Student Conduct Title IX Compliance Counseling Services Safe Harbor Health Services % Not at all aware %Slightly aware %Somewhat aware %Very aware %Extremely aware 21% 28% 29% 14% 9% 13% 21% 28% 23% 14% 3% 8% 22% 40% 27% 24% 21% 30% 14% 11% 4% 10% 23% 38% 25% % Disagree or Strongly disagree %Agree or Strongly agree