25 2022 ARC3 SURVEY FINDINGS Training Regarding Sexual Misconduct Using the scale provided, please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following statements: Before coming to Northern, had you received any information or education (that did not come from Northern) about sexual misconduct? Since coming to Northern, have you received written (e.g., brochures, emails) or verbal information (e.g., presentations, training) from anyone at Northern about the following? No Yes 26% 74% Discussed sexual misconduct/rape in class Discussed the topic of sexual misconduct with friends Discussed sexual misconduct with a family member Attended an event or program about what you can do as a bystander to stop sexual misconduct Attended a rally or other campus event about sexual misconduct or sexual assault Seen posters about sexual misconduct (e.g., raising awareness, preventing rape, defining sexual misconduct) Seen or heard campus administrators or staff address sexual misconduct Seen crime alerts about sexual misconduct Read a report about sexual violence rates at Northern Visited a Northern website with information on sexual misconduct Volunteered or interned at an organization that addresses sexual misconduct Seen or heard about sexual misconduct in a student publication or media outlet Taken a class to learn more about sexual misconduct 22% 50% 24% 23% 6% 58% 23% 34% 9% 12% 1% 26% 6% The definitions of types of sexual misconduct How to report an incident of sexual misconduct Where to go to get help if someone you know experiences sexual misconduct Title IX protections against sexual misconduct How to help prevent sexual misconduct Student code of conduct or honor code 46% 39% 40% 64% 45% 55%