26 2022 ARC3 SURVEY FINDINGS Training Regarding Sexual Misconduct Participants were asked about their sexual misconduct training prior to coming to Northern as well as their exposure of sexual misconduct topics and resources since coming to Northern. About 74% of participants received some sort of training on sexual misconduct prior to coming to campus. Since coming to Northern participants indicated the degree to which they have received information about sexual misconduct, how to report, how to prevent sexual misconduct, protections under Title IX, and the Student Code of Conduct. Participants indicated that they knew definitions, their protections under Title IX (64%); however, had lower responses of definitions of sexual misconduct, how to report, how to get help, and prevent sexual misconduct. All answers under 50% were considered low. Since coming to Northern participants ranked their exposure of a variety of topics. 58% of participants indicated that they have seen posters about sexual misconduct and discussed the topic with friends (50%). When looking at other options students reported seeing crime alerts on sexual misconduct (34%), seen or heard about sexual misconduct in a student publication or media outlet (26%), discussed sexual misconduct with a family member (24%), and seen or heard campus administrators or staff address sexual misconduct and attended an event or program about what you can do as a bystander to stop sexual misconduct (23%). Other options rated lower than 20% include options where students need to seek information online, take a class on the topic, or volunteer or attend an event about sexual violence/misconduct.