
27 2022 ARC3 SURVEY FINDINGS Bystander Intervention Questions about bystander actions When the following situations arose at Northern, how often did you do any of the following? Participants were asked about their reactions to specific situations that they had encountered at Northern. It should be noted that not all participants answered all questions. A percentage of participants who answered are documented on the left for reference. Overall, participants did not indicate a high percentage of intervening during situations that could help out their peers. The highest agreed item (60%) was students would intervene with a friend who was being physically abusive. A majority of the participants also indicated that they never or rarely tried to distract someone who was trying to take a drunk person to another room or trying to get them to do something sexual (50%). Another item participants indicated they rarely or never do is ask someone who looks very upset at a party if they are okay or need help (45%). The percentages of positive interventions would not be considered high enough to conclude that the students understand and recognize potentially harmful situations and know how to respond. Walked a friend who has had too much to drink home from a party, bar, or other social event. Talked to the friends of a drunk person to make sure they don’t leave him/her behind at a party, bar, or other social event. Spoke up against sexist jokes. Tried to distract someone who was trying to take a drunk person to another room or trying to get them to do something sexual. Ask someone who looks very upset at a party if they are okay or need help. Intervene with a friend who was being physically abusive to another person. Intervene with a friend who was being verbally abusive to another person. % Answering % Never/Rarely %Most of the time/Always 79% 33% 50% 78% 36% 51% 78% 24% 52% 61% 50% 35% 73% 45% 34% 59% 24% 60% 66% 31% 44%