33 2022 ARC3 SURVEY FINDINGS Sexual Harassment by a Student Participants were asked a series of questions about their experiences with students since enrolling at Northern. While the majority of participants indicated that they have never experienced any sexual harassment by students, more responses indicating that on more than one occasion they experienced sexual harassment by a Northern student. About 21% of participants indicated that they have been treated “differently” because of their sex. In addition, 15%-20% of participants revealed that students have made offensive remarks, repeatedly told sexual stories that were offensive, were put down, unwanted attempts to establish a sexual relationship, despite efforts to discourage it, had unwelcome attempts discussing sexual matters, and offensive sexist remarks about appearance. For individuals who indicated that they have experienced sexual harassment by a student were given follow up questions. The questions were geared toward one experience that had the greatest impact on them. According to the breakdown of prevalent data, 71% of survey participants were female and indicated 81% of the perpetrators were male. On the contrary, 29% of survey participants that indicated that they have experienced sexual harassment were male, about 18% of the perpetrators were female. The majority of participants indicated that the incident of sexual harassment happened on campus (64%). When asked what role the student perpetrator was the majority indicated the student was in the undergraduate level (90%). The situation reported highest by participants was sexist or sexually offensive language, gestures, or pictures (65%), unwanted sexual attention (45%), and unwanted touching (25%). The majority of participants indicated they avoided the person as much as possible (49%) as a result of the incident. Additionally, 37% of participants ignored the person, 35% told the person to stop, 19% asked for help, and only 4% of participants reported.