
44 2022 ARC3 SURVEY FINDINGS Institutional Responses Participants who indicated that they have experienced any sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, or sexual violence were asked how Northern played a role in their experiences. Some questions may not have been applicable to participants who indicated “N/A” and those questions were not calculated in the results. Additionally, the percentage of responses for institutional responses can be found on the left side of the chart for reference. Of the 20-28% of the students who answered the questions, 56% indicated that Northern did not support them with formal or informal resources. 86% of the small percentage who answered, indicated that Northern did not apologize to what happened to them. About 62% stated that did not feel that Northern believed their report or allowed them to have a say in how the report would be handled. Over half of the participants, on average, indicated that Northern ensured they were treated as an important member of the institution, met their needs for support and accommodations, created an environment where it was safe to discuss, and created an environment where this type of experience was recognized as a problem. Participants were also asked additional questions about how Northern played a role in their experience of sexual misconduct. Of the participants who completed these questions, 22% indicated that Northern is not doing enough to prevent this type of experience, made it difficult to report and created an environment where it would be difficult to stay at Northern. About 20% indicated Northern creates an environment in which these types of experiences seemed common or normal and 17% indicated that they believe Northern covers up the experience. Overall, the participants answered positively to how Northern would respond to a report of sexual misconduct. Responses show 97% believed Northern would not punish the person making the report or respond differently to their experience based on their sexual orientation were the highest. 89% of participants indicated that Northern would not mishandle their case if reported, and 88% of participants reported that Northern would adequately respond to the experience. The majority of participants also indicated that Northern would not treat them differently or have biased or negative attitudes towards individuals of different races or sexual orientations.