7 Madi Filber He introduced her as his girlfriend, She couldn’t help but smile. Finally, someone could see her inner beauty, He could see her intentions. Her limited free time was spent on him, He couldn’t help but tell all of his friends. She was worried to tell people Not because of shame, She was superstitious. The more people that know The more people that can form an opinion. She didn’t think she would find someone; That was not her goal at the time. He was lonely (so was she). Her spirit and passion lured him, His smirk and comedy lured her. He was an open book, Her personal life was locked in a box. He expressed his feelings, She would change the topic. Her ‘baggage’ didn’t bother him, He knew her mind kept her From expressing herself, But he wanted to know, To help her, To be with her. Opposites, But the same. His hands were always dirty, Hers were always clean. He was mechanical, She was creative. However, their hobbies, interests, They overlapped. This was the least expected thing, But they were happy. He ruined everything And she wouldn’t dare take him back. the least expected prophecy