55 Emma Glant A whirlwind of hair A tear dripping down A clear strand of snot hitting a lip By no means is this normal By no way of life is this desirable By a regular standard, it is just a Tuesday Continuing forward Continuing through the pain Continuing because they could no longer Deepening the wound Deepening the chasm between lovers Deepening the hurt that fills the void Eternally wasting into the dark spots Eternally waiting for relief Eternally hoping they will return Forever sitting on the floor Forever hiding in the dark Forever wondering what could have been done Growing older as years pass Growing wiser as tragedies roll in Growing to understand the choice they made Humiliating circumstances Humiliating days on end Humiliating knowing there would never be an end I want things to change I want happiness to exist I want them in my arms again Jealousy rolls in Jealousy rages from the gut Jealousy that has been pent up for too long tuesday Knowledge is offered Knowledge is never gained Knowledge is what keeps them frommoving again Love is what pulls them in Love is what pushes them away Love is what creates the most brokenness Most days are unbearable Most weeks are spent in ignorance Most years are not worth reliving Never will they return Never will their heartbeat be felt Never will those memories be made Opportunities to stop them Opportunities that will never come Opportunities that will not only be a dream People leave People leave every day People leave and never return Quality time will no longer be felt Quality conversations will no longer occur Quality of life deteriorates over time Revenge for them Revenge for the hurt they felt Revenge against myself for not doing enough Silence is deafening to the core Silence … Tomorrowwill be a better day Tomorrow always becomes the next Tomorrow is never reached because there is always tomorrow