News| NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSI TY Partnership leads to scholarship funds, hands-on learning for NSU students A partnership between Northern State University and Aberdeen’s One-Legged Pheasant has resulted in a new brew that is raising scholarship funds for NSU students. But the creation of Alpha Lager has also provided an experiential learning opportunity for Northern’s science students. That includes NSU senior Kennedy Davis of Fairfax, Va., who is interning at One-Legged Pheasant. “It’s a very rewarding experience,” said Davis, a biochemistry and German major. “It’s not something you really get in the classroom or in the lab. It’s really hands-on.” This unique student learning experience is one of the best parts of the partnership, said Northern’s Dr. Jon Mitchell. “It offers the students hands-on opportunities to spend time in a real-world setting to learn about fermentation,” said Mitchell, professor of biochemistry and biotechnology at NSU. Educators strive to provide students with experiences that can give them an edge on their resumes, Mitchell said. “This is something that can differentiate them,” he said. Conversations led to opportunity The partnership started as an idea between Dr. Alyssa Kiesow, NSU College of Arts and Sciences Dean, and Dave Welling, co-owner of OneLegged Pheasant, about creating a Northern-specific brew, with proceeds going to scholarships. “Conversations and relationships are how anything starts, as the foundation that builds into potential opportunities for something cool and new,” she said. Brewing began over the summer, with sales of Alpha Lager starting at NSU home football games this fall. Fifteen percent of sales goes toward College of Arts and Sciences student scholarships, Kiesow said. NORTHERN TODAY 12 FALL 2022