NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSI TY | News GiveNDay impact echoes across campus S TUDENTS across NSU’s campus are reaping the benefits of GiveNDay 2022. The annual 24-hour giving campaign, hosted by the Northern State University Foundation, seeks to raise funding for programs, schools, teams and organizations in all areas of NSU. In 2022, GiveNDay raised over $330,000 from more than 1,800 donors, and the effects of that funding are echoing across campus. GiveNDay supported over 30 different initiatives; from the four schools at NSU, to athletic teams, to clubs and organizations, the gifts shared that day have made an impact at Northern. Counseling Services offers Week of Wellness with GiveNDay gifts “GiveNDay was a huge success for Counseling Services,” said Christina Shilman, Staff Counselor of Counseling Services at Northern. The focus of Counseling Services is to promote the emotional well-being of students while helping them resolve personal difficulties. Shilman is a trained mental health therapist who provides one-on-one counseling sessions and delivers campus and community-wide outreach. Shilman added, “Last year we hosted a Mental Health Week for our students from a grant a student received from the Bush Foundation. The week was successful, and there was a large number of students appreciative of the campus-wide discussion of this important topic. We’re really excited to offer Mental Wellness Week again because donors were so generous on GiveNDay. These gifts are helping us normalize help-seeking behaviors, and provide suicide prevention trainings for students, faculty and staff.” Counseling Services hosted Mental Health Wellness Week Oct. 17-21. The schedule included programming for faculty, staff and students, included stress-relieving practices and activities, fitness classes like Zumba and yoga, as well as a live recording of Shrink Rap the Podcast. GiveNDay kicks-off new scholarship for College of Arts and Sciences Because of gifts received on GiveNDay, the College of Arts and Sciences created a new GiveNDay scholarship to a student in the school. “GiveNDay allows the College of Arts and Sciences to bolster the college’s strategic efforts, such as recruitment and marketing, as well as start initiatives, such as a new College of Arts and Sciences scholarship,” said College of Arts and Sciences Dean Dr. Alyssa Kiesow. “We are excited as a college to roll out this new scholarship and would not have been able to do so without GiveNDay monies,” Kiesow said. NSU Athletics uses GiveNDay to continue championship experiences for student-athletes GiveNDay 2022 brought in over $170,000 for Northern State Athletics, and a large portion of those funds will be used for student-athlete scholarships. Athletic Director Nate Davis sees the inf luence from GiveNDay as more than just financial, however. “The impact GiveNDay has for our student-athletes and athletic programs goes far beyond just the dollars raised during the event,” Davis said. “Our student-athletes can see firsthand the passion and commitment of members of the Northern community far and wide.” Along with financial aid for scholarships, the Wolves will also use the funds to support operating expenses for each program. “Through the individual gifts and matching challenges, we have the ability to continue operating our programs at a level that allows us to stay competitive within the NSIC, the Central Region and beyond,” said Davis. “We always want to say thank you to those who support us, but we also want to show our appreciation by achieving success at a high level both academically and athletically.” GiveNDay 2023 slated for April 5-6 Northern State looks to build on the success of GiveNDay 2022 by continuing the tradition of the 24hour giving campaign April 5-6, 2023. If you wish to get involved with GiveNDay, please reach out to the NSU Foundation at 605-626-2550. NORTHERN TODAY 7 FALL 2022 Students experience a sound bath. A way of managing anxiety and soothing the nervous system.