2 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y 4 6 7 8 9 Contents N O R T H E R N S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y F A L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 0 DESIGNED AND PRODUCED BY NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY RELATIONS FOR THE NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION WRITTEN BY Richelle Braun Brenda Dreyer EDITOR Brenda Dreyer DESIGN Jennifer Vaughn FOUNDATION PRESIDENT AND CEO Todd Jordre ADDRESS FOR MAGAZINE INQUIRIES: University Relations Northern State University 1200 South Jay Street Aberdeen, South Dakota 57401 brenda.dreyer@northern.edu ABOUT NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY Northern State University is a premier residential, liberal arts institution characterized by outstanding instruction, extraordinary community relations, and unparalleled co-curricular opportunities. In August of 2010 NSU was again named by U.S. News and World Report as one of the best undergraduate public institutions in the Midwest. For more information about NSU, visit our Web site at www.northern.edu. SENIOR CABINET Dr. James M. Smith, President Dr. Thomas Hawley, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Ms. Debbi Bumpous, Chief Information Officer, NET Services Ms. Brenda Dreyer, Director, University Relations Mr. Don Erlenbusch, Vice President for Finance and Administration Mr. Todd Jordre, Foundation President and CEO Mr. John Meyer, University Counsel Ms. Rhoda Smith, Vice President of Student Affairs Mr. Bob Olson, Athletic Director, University Athletics “FIFTIES FEVER” Poodle skirts, sideburns, hot rods and diners were the new craze as the 95th Annual Gypsy Day celebration, “Fifties Fever” jived across the Aberdeen Campus on September 18. CECIL E. HARRIS Born in 1916 in north central South Dakota, Harris grew up on in farm in Cresbard. After graduating from Cresbard High School he enrolled at Northern State Teacher’s College (NSTC). 2010 STRATEGIC PLANNING: MISSION FORWARD …ensuring Northern State University not only remain a vital part of the South Dakota Regental system, but also grows as a nationally-recognized, student-centered institution committed to academic and extracurricular excellence… AN EVENING WITH COACH DON MEYER AND BUSTER OLNEY With the launch of the much anticipated “How Lucky You Can Be, the Story of Coach Don Meyer,” written by ESPN senior writer Buster Olney… ALUMNI NEWS Alumni accomplishments, births, weddings, anniversaries and deaths. GYPSY D A Y S 2 0 1 0 4 8 4 6 2010 Queen Laura Eidsness and Marshal Michael Zerr
3 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y WE HAVE BEEN CHARGED with ensuring that Northern State University not only remains a vital part of the South Dakota Regental system, but also grows as a nationally-recognized, student-centered institution committed to academic and extracurricular excellence, providing high quality programs, cutting-edge technology, and global learning opportunities in a beautiful Midwestern setting. In order to achieve this, we released a comprehensive strategic plan to the NSU community entitled, “Mission Forward 2015,” in August of this year. The new strategic plan is a work in progress with four phases, and though we are still in early stages of implementation, our plan is already experiencing solid degrees of success. In September the Board of Regents announced a fall 2010 headcount of 3,296 which is the highest number at Northern in the past forty years! I believe these numbers are largely the result of an enrollment plan that was created a year ago. Our staff developed a series of enrollment targets focusing on areas such as growth of new freshmen, enhanced online and graduate offerings, increased marketing, more international students, and the generation of workshops that were not just developed and delivered but, in most cases, were presented in a manner so as to exceed all expectations. As we have now launched our new strategic plan, these initial efforts in capacity-building are clearly indicating movement in the right direction. Northern continues to be a great asset for South Dakota and we have clear strategies in place now to grow even more next year. I look forward to seeing how we continue to ascend as our plan evolves over the next several years. I encourage you to keep an eye on our progress – there will be much more good news to come, of that I am absolutely sure. FROM THE PRESIDENT Letter “…2010 headcount of 3,296 which is the highest number at Northern in the past forty years!” THE TRANQUIL BEAUTY OF SUMMER has passed and we are enjoying a fabulous fall. It is always exciting to be on Northern State’s campus at this time of year, as the season’s transformation is yet another reminder of both the power and beauty of NSU. It gives me great pleasure, with this edition of Northern Today, to share the positive news and events on our campus. “…we released a comprehensive strategic plan to the NSU community entitled, “Mission Forward 2015,” in August of this year.” to read more about the strategic plan see page 7 PRESIDENT JAMES M. SMITH
4 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y GYPSY 2010 D A Y S POODLE SKIRTS, SIDEBURNS, HOT RODS AND DINERS were the new craze as the 95th Annual Gypsy Day celebration, “Fifties Fever” jived across the Aberdeen Campus on September 18. GO WOLVES! Bethany Ellefson, Flandreau and Thunder. DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI/HALL OF FAME/KRETCHMAN COACHING AWARD RECIPIENTS Lynne Nacke B’00 MS’08, Dr. William Haigh, Eric Kline B’95 MS’99, Tom McGough B’74, Larry Card B’72, Wally Johnson B’64 and Jammie (Coyle) Raba B’00. FOOTBALL REUNION from left to right: Dr. Connie RuhlSmith and President James M. Smith, Morris Bates B’64, Gary Breitag B’62, Monty Brekke B’61, Jack Crippen B’68, Dennis Larson B’62, Harold Pardew B’64, Don Pfaff B’70, Ken Sherrill B’61, Jim Stout B’63, Robert Taylor B’53, Jim Vogt B’62, Gregg Wiitala B’66, Jim Winters B’64, and Roger Youngman B’63. “FIFTIES FEVER”
5 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y GYPSY DAYS Harvey Naasz, Winner, S.D. was awarded the 2010 Royal Order of the Gyps Coaching Award. Accepting on his behalf is his son Brad Naasz ‘88. Presenting the award is King of the Gyps Don Bremer. Athletic Director Bob Olson B‘77 M’80 accepts a check in support of Wolves Athletics from Gyps member, Wes Malsom B’76. NSU VOLLEYBALL ALUMNI Back – Jill Rasmussen B’09, Laura Nelson Hebers B’06, Heather Pudwill B’07, Kelsey Aden B’09, Kristy Carland Freeland B’98, Jean Kringstad B’00, Amy Ellis Scepaniak B’93, Tara Engquist B’06, Melissa Schott Doughty B’97; Middle – Katie Hegge Wolff B’06, Lori Hanson Jacobs B’98, Steph Nygaard B’09, Jessica Johnson Lunski B’99, Tricia Schilling B’01, Char Gelhaus Carda B’92, Tammy Mademann Henry B’99; Front – Kari LaFrance Papke B’05 OCTOBER 8, 2011
6 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y News NORTHERN January 17, 1945. Lt. Cecil E. Harris receiving the Navy Cross, Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross and Gold Star in lieu of second DFC from Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitscher. WHAT IS A HERO? What does it take to become a hero? What does it mean to say that someone is truly a hero? Heroism takes many forms and most heroes are unlikely people who have no idea they are one until the moment or situation finds them. Cecil E. Harris is a hero. Born in 1916 in north central South Dakota, Harris grew up on in farm in Cresbard. After graduating from Cresbard High School he enrolled at Northern State Teachers College (NSTC). It was not long after that Harris felt a calling and joined the U.S. Navy one year prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Cecil “Speedball” Harris trained as an aviation cadet, and was commissioned and designated as a Naval Aviator in 1942. While thousands of Navy pilots fought in WWII, Cecil E. Harris ranked as the second highest scoring ace, and the most highly decorated U.S. Naval Reserve pilot. Credited with shooting down 24 enemy planes in the South Pacific in less than six weeks, Harris’ success as a flying ace is forever embedded in history. For his heroism, Cecil Harris was awarded the Navy Cross, Silver Star, and second gold star, Distinguished Flying Cross with second and third gold stars, and the Air Medal with two gold stars. An excerpt from “Greatest Fighter Missions of the top Navy & Marine aces of World War II,” by Edward H. Sims and Arleigh Burke describes Harris’ skill and heroism. For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity as a Fighter Pilot in Fighting Squadron 18...on Northern Formosa, October 12, 1944…he braved intense enemy aircraft fire.. to execute an attack upon an important airfield installation and, during the same flight, valiantly engaged in an aerial dogfight with numerically superior aircraft…succeeded in shooting down four of the hostile craft and on two instances saved two of his teammates during the action. After the end of WWII Harris returned to South Dakota and to NSTC and completed his degree. Following his graduation in 1946, Cecil returned to Cresbard to teach and eventually became the principal of the local high school. The Korean Police action in 1951 necessitated his recall to active duty where Harris remained until 1967. He retired as a Captain with the U.S. Navy. Harris was honored at a ceremony recognizing his induction into the South Dakota Aviation Hall of Fame’s South Dakota Combat Aircrew Memorial in 2009, and the state Transportation Commission named an 80-mile stretch “It doesn’t take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle. ” Norman Schwarzkopf of S.D. Highway 20 between U.S. Highways 83 and 281 the Cecil E. Harris Highway. He was also the recipient of the Northern State University Foundation’s Distinguished Alumni award in 2000. Cecil E. Harris, hero, died in 1981 in Washington, D.C. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. BORN IN 1916 IN NORTH CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA, Harris grew up on in farm in Cresbard. After graduating from Cresbard High School he enrolled at Northern State Teachers College (NSTC).
7 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y STRATEGIC PRIORITY #1 RECRUIT, RETAIN, CHALLENGE and graduate citizens with the highest capacity to enrich their communities through their professional activities and civic engagement. STRATEGIC PRIORITY #2 DELIVER ENHANCED STUDENT RESOURCES that demonstrate student centered planning, seamless entry and navigation of the student experience, and opportunities for a well-rounded, dynamic liberal arts education. STRATEGIC PRIORITY #3 FOCUS ON COMMUNICATING NSU’s identity as an academically rigorous university that offers a meaningful university life experience and provides a foundation for success. STRATEGIC PRIORITY #4 PREPARE STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS in an increasingly global culture by coupling a solid foundation in critical thinking and communication with international learning opportunities and up-to-date technologies. STRATEGIC PRIORITY #5 BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS for design, preparation, execution, and completion of scholarly research in all areas of learning. News NORTHERN 2010 STRATEGIC PLANNING: MISSION FORWARD In addition, the plan sets the stage for development of individual work plans of each of the units within Northern’s organizational structure. The fundamental mandate that drives the institution is rooted in South Dakota Codified Law and acts as a key guide to Northern’s existence. MISSION THE PRIMARY PURPOSE of Northern State University, at Aberdeen in Brown County...is the preparation of elementary and secondary teachers, and a secondary purpose is to offer preprofessional, one-year and two-year terminal and junior college programs. Four-year degrees other than in education and graduate work may be authorized by the Board of Regents. (SDCL 13-59-1) PURPOSE NSU is a University dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the liberal arts and in graduate and professional education. Its distinctiveness in its pursuit of mission derives from its coeducational and residential character; its size and location; and its role as a public, state-sponsored University. VISION NSU will be a nationally-recognized, student-centered institution committed to academic and extracurricular excellence, providing high quality programs, cuttingedge technology, and global learning opportunities in a beautiful Midwestern setting. C O N N E C T HIGHEST ETHICAL INTEGRITY in all we do. A commitment to responsible stewardship. Development of human, intellectual, cultural, financial, and environmental resources. E N A B L E TEAMWORK, COOPERATION AND MUTUAL RESPECT in an environment that is diverse in knowledge, culture, and world view. Striving to deliver seamless, student-centered, and experience-rich educational opportunities. E D U C A T E EXPANDING RESEARCH AND TEACHING to issues of importance to our community, state and region. Assuring academic rigor and the highest standards of excellence in all intellectual inquiry. VALUES …ENSURING NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY not only remain a vital part of the South Dakota Regental system, but also grows as a nationally-recognized, studentcentered institution committed to academic and extracurricular excellence… THE STRATEGIC PLAN has five major core elements. These elements include a purpose statement, core values, vision, strategic priorities, and organizational goals driven by each strategic priority.
8 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y News NORTHERN A N E V E N I N G W I T H Coach Don Meyer and Buster Olney Coach Don Meyer is no stranger to the action and energy of a packed basketball arena. WITH THE LAUNCH of the much anticipated “How Lucky You Can Be, the Story of Coach Don Meyer,” written by ESPN senior writer Buster Olney, the legendary coach’s appearance filled a different type of venue as fans packed the Johnson Fine Arts Center main theater on Mon., Nov. 8, for the kick-off of a nationwide book tour. Meyer was joined on stage by Olney for an in-depth interview with NSU President James Smith for the event. The NSU Bookstore began selling “How Lucky You Can Be, the Story of Coach Don Meyer” at 10 a.m. and in 10 short hours the book was completely sold out. “I knew that the book would be popular, but I was surprised we sold 1,000 copies the very first day,” said Beth Rasmussen, Director of the NSU Bookstore. “All of the publicity surrounding the event escalated the excitement of the book release and made it a great day for NSU!” Following the NSU event, Meyer and Olney continued a nationwide book tour with the first stop at the Don Meyer Classic featuring NSU and Belmont playing in Nashville, Tennessee. The game was nationally televised on ESPNU. Meyer retired from coaching in February 2010 and currently serves as Regents Distinguished Professor and Assistant to the President at NSU. The NSU Bookstore began selling “How Lucky You Can Be, the Story of Coach Don Meyer” at 10 a.m. and in 10 short hours the book was completely sold out. is on SALE at the NSU BOOKSTORE for $21.20 NSU Bookstore Sales Benefit NSU Student Programs THE STORY OF COACH DON MEYER http://bookstore.northern.edu
9 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y UPCOMING EVENTS SEATTLE, WASH. Alumni Reunion at Crowne Plaza Hotel Monday, Dec. 6, 2010, (6 p.m.-8 p.m.) PORTLAND, ORE. Alumni Reunion at Crowne Plaza Hotel Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2010, (6 p.m.-8 p.m.) ST. PAUL, MINN. Coach Meyer Reception at Embassy Suites Hotel Friday, Dec. 10, 2010, (5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.) SIOUX FALLS, S.D. Pre-Game Party at Westward Ho Country Club Saturday, Dec. 11, 2010, (4 p.m.-6 p.m., prior to NSU vs. Augustana basketball games) ABERDEEN, S.D. I Hate Winter / NSU Alumni Basketball Games and Reception, Saturday, Feb. 12, 2011 ST. PAUL, MINN. Pre-Game Party at O’Gara’s Bar & Grill Saturday, Feb. 19, 2011, (4 p.m.-6 p.m., prior to NSU vs. Concordia-St. Paul basketball games) DENVER, COLO. Alumni Reception at The Westin Tabor Center Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011, (5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.) PALM DESERT, CALIF. Alumni Reception at Embassy Suites Hotel Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011, (5 p.m.-7 p.m.) SUN CITY WEST, ARIZ. Alumni Reception at Hillcrest Golf Club Friday, Feb. 25, 2011, (5 p.m.-7 p.m.) BISMARCK, N.D. Pre-Game Party at Peacock Alley Saturday, Feb. 26, 2011, (4 p.m.-6 p.m., prior to NSU vs University of Mary basketball games) CHANDLER, ARIZ. Alumni Reception at Dave and Jane Harvey Home Saturday, Feb. 26, 2011, (5 p.m.-7 p.m.) ABERDEEN, S.D. 50 Year Club Reunion Banquet at Ramada Inn Friday, May 6, 2011, (5 p.m.) 50 Year Club Luncheon at NSU Student Center, Friday, Oct. 7, 2011, (11:30 a.m.) NSU All Decades Men’s Basketball Reunion Friday, Oct. 7, 2011 Distinguished Alumni and Hall of Fame Banquet at the DEC, Friday, Oct. 7, 2011, (5 p.m.) Gypsy Day, Saturday, Oct. 8, 2011 For more information or to R.S.V.P. to these events, please call the NSU Foundation at 605-626-2550 or send an e-mail to nsualumni@northern.edu. 1943 GEORGE H WEBER, PH.D. Englewood, Colo. recently published a book, “Runaway Continuale: A Horatio Alger Story”. 1950 MILLICENT (WINTER) KASUN Bisbee, Ariz. was selected as the Arizona recipient of the Andrus Award for Community Service. 1956 WES ELLIOTT Aberdeen, S.D. was elected co-second vice president along with wife ARLENE at the 43rd annual South Dakota Federation of National Active and Retired Federal Employees Convention. 1966 THOMAS SYDNEY MORTENSON Aberdeen, S.D. was given a Purple Heart for his service in WWII. 1972 CURT HOHN was honored by the South Dakota Association of Rural Water Systems with the rural water manager of the year. MARGARET (SVIHEL) NELSON Ipswich, S.D. retired after 38 years of teaching in the Ipswich School District. DAVID BAUER Ipswich, S.D. retired after 38 years of teaching and coaching in the Ipswich School District. 1973 ROD NEUMAN was inducted into the South Dakota High School Wrestling Coaches Association Hall of Fame in February 2009. DENNIS MCDERMOTT retired from teaching music at Aberdeen Central High School after more than 20 years of service. 1974 KRISTI (KENNEDY) VAN WINKLE Aberdeen, S.D. was recognized for 30 years of service with the federal government. 1977 SUE GAPP Aberdeen, S.D. was selected by the South Dakota High School Coaches Association as the assistant middle-junior high coach of the year for the winter season, 2009-2010. TIM MULHAIR Yankton, S.D. has retired after 25 years of coaching tennis at Yankton High School. News ALUMNI 1978 KEITH KUSLER Aberdeen, S.D. was named official of the year by the state coaches association. 1979 BARBARA (CONLEY) HAHLER Faulkton, S.D. retired on May 15, 2009 after teaching in the Faulkton School District for 30 years. JAY KIRSCHENMANN Sioux Falls, S.D. has published a guide book entitled “Black Hills: A Guide to South Dakota’s Classic American Frontier”. RICHARD BURES was recently promoted to Agribusiness Market President for Great Western Bank in Aberdeen, S.D. 1981 DEAN LEHRKE was inducted into the South Dakota High School Wrestling Coaches Association Hall of Fame in February 2009. 1983 JOAN (BARTELL) SWIM Springview, Neb. was awarded the 2009 Association of Nebraska Art Clubs Award. DUANE ZUNDEL Aberdeen, S.D. was recognized for his 25 years at South Dakota Developmental Center in Redfield. 1986 DON KIRKEGAARD Britton, S.D. was awarded the Outstanding School Superintendent by the South Dakota School Superintendents Association. RICH VINCENT Aberdeen, S.D. accepted the role of international president of the International Association of Workforce Professionals. 1987 MARK MEHLHOFF Aberdeen, S.D. has achieved membership in the Million Dollar Round Table, an association of financial professionals that requires members to adhere to strict code of ethics, focus on top-notch client services and continue to grow professionally through involvement in at least one other industry association. 1989 HELEN (GENZLER) WHITLEY was recognized for her 20 years of service at South Dakota Developmental Center in Redfield.
10 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y 1990 DAVE VILHAUER was named the sportswriter of the year for South Dakota by the National Sportscasters and Sportwriters Asssociation of Salisbury, N.C. in February 2009. KEITH MOORE Vermillion, S.D. has been named Federal Bureau of Indian Education Director. 1991 JENNIFER (KEMNITZ) KNECHT Faulkton, S.D. received the Region 3 Elementary Principals Association Community Leadership Award. 1992 HENRY SCHNEIDER St. Cloud, Minn. was inducted into the Northern Sun Intercollegiate Conference Hall of Fame. CHAD WEBER Aberdeen, S.D. was promoted to senior manager with Eide Bailly LLP. 1993 CHRIS GROSS Aberdeen, S.D. was honored as officer of the year. 1994 JILL (YOUNG) STEPHENSON Aberdeen, S.D. received the Mavis Booze Mentoring Award by the 2009 South Dakota Counseling Association. REGINA MITZEL has been named the Assistant Executive Director at Arizona Bridge to Independent Living. PATRICIA (EVELO) MARTIN Aberdeen, S.D. received the Healthcare Plus Federal Credit Union’s first-ever Educator Appreciation Scholarship. 1995 FRAN ESSER Redfield, S.D. was selected as the Wrestling Coach of the Year by the South Dakota High School Coaches Association. TODD NEUENDORF Aberdeen, S.D. was named coach of the year by South Dakota Basketball Coaches Association. 1997 BRIAN DANNEN Aberdeen, S.D. was named 2009 Counselor of the Year by the South Dakota Counseling Association. 1998 MICHAEL DIXON Omaha, Neb. has been named president of UNeMed Corporation. 2000 COLLEEN MEISENHEIMER Aberdeen, S.D. was named the state debate coach of the year by the Aberdeen Public Board of Education. 2002 DERRICK DINGER was named managing director by Northwestern Mutual in Aberdeen. KATHLEEN VIDOLOFF Lexington, Ky. was awarded the R. Lewis Donohew Fellowship by the University of Kentucky of Communications and Information Studies. 2006 BRIAN HOGIE Ipswich, S.D. was named Region 1 Assistant coach of the year by S.D. Basketball Coaches Association. 2007 SHAWN LEWIS Aberdeen, S.D. has accepted the position as head wrestling coach at Aberdeen Central. 2008 ERIN NIKOLAS Aberdeen, S.D. has been named as marketing information file specialist for Dacotah Bank. 2010 AMANDA BUCK Aberdeen, S.D. graduated from South Dakota Law Enforcement Training Academy. Faculty PETER KILIAN was selected as 2009 NSU outstanding faculty member. BRENDA FULLER Aberdeen, S.D. was named the Central Region women’s assistant track and field coach of the year by the U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association. DON MEYER received the 2010 John Wooden Keys to Life Award. BIRTHS 1990 SHIRLEY (BENTZ) TAYLOR Jacksonville, Ala. and husband, Jeff, a son, David Henry, on November 26, 2008. 1995 JENNIFER (HANTEN) KONECHNE Sioux Falls, S.D. and husband, Richard, a son, Ashton Jacob on September 24, 2009. 1996 TY HEATON Falls Church, Va. and wife, Jenny, a son, Kade Bates on May 2, 2010. BRIAN INGERSON Eureka, S.D. and wife FRANCIE (MEHLHAFF, ’97), a son, Aaron Brian on April 15, 2010. 1997 BRIAN DANNEN Aberdeen, S.D. and wife Michelle, a daughter, Baileigh, on February 24, 2010. CHARISSA (SIELER) PETERSON Aberdeen, S.D. and husband Eric, a daughter, Chloe Addisyn, on August 28, 2009. 1998 AMBER (BUZALSKY) CLOCKSENE Rapid City, S.D. and husband Brad, a son, Jaxon Daniel on March 20, 2009. TONI WOLFF-LOTTON Madison Lake, Minn. and husband Dustin, a son, Trendin Lee, on September 24, 2010. 1999 LEE KELLER Aberdeen, S.D. and wife, Christine, a son, Asher Michael on Sept. 14, 2010. TIM SCHUTT Sioux Falls, S.D. and wife Jennifer, a daughter, Alyssa Mae, on February 12, 2010. 2000 CHRISTOPHER HEIER Aberden, S.D. and wife, TENILLE (MANNING) ‘01, a daughter, Harper Solace, born May 23, 2010. JILL (SCHITZ) SCHINKEL St. Cloud, Minn. and husband Carter, twin boys Cannon and Caseyn, on October 27, 2008. News ALUMNI GYPSY DAYS L-R Mike Birgen B’92, Jim Miller III B’99, Chad Huff, Matt Johnson B’95, Chad Harlander B’94, Steve Karfis B’96, Steve Struzyk B’94, Nathan Franzen B’93, Andy Feterl B’94, Loren Swenson B’91, Zach Flakus B’93
11 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y News ALUMNI JENNIFER (ALDINGER) ELLWEIN Westport, S.D. and husband, Jonathan, a baby girl, Jillian Ashley, on July 16, 2010. 2001 RICHAL (JOHNSON) WAMBACH Ipswich, S.D. and husband, Jason, a son, Wyatt Michael, May 5, 2009. KIMBERLY (DROOG) BYRAM Aberdeen, S.D. and husband BRADY ‘01, a son, Jace Lee. JOSH GRAVES CAMBRIDGE, Neb. and wife, Suzanne, a daughter, Maddox Elise on March 24, 2009. 2001, 2006 ELIZABETH (PEW) KAAN Bath, S.D. and husband, JASON(’01) a son, Brody James, on April 13, 2010. 2002 TAMMY (GEFFRE) GARDNER Aberdeen, S.D. and husband Chad, a daughter on February 23, 2009. AMY (BERTSCH) STRUCK Riverview, Fla. and husband, Marcus, a daughter on February 28, 2009. JENA (VAN HOORN) GERMAN Aberdeen, S.D. and husband Michael, a daughter, Cadynce Jean. DOREEN (BAUER) LEINEN Aberdeen, S.D. and husband JASON ’02, a daughter, Emma Grace on August 24, 2009. JACALYN (GEFFRE) PEDERSON Aberdeen, S.D. and husband, Todd, a son, Dawson Jackson on June 4, 2010. 2003 ANGELA (NILSSON) BAKEBERG Aberdeen, S.D. and husband Nathan, a son, Noah Karl on February 19, 2009. JOY (SCHMIDT) LANDEIS Lincoln, N.D. and husband Dustin, a daughter, Anna Lanette. JOEL WELKE Aberdeen, S.D. and wife Angella, a son, Preston David, on June 26, 2009. STACIE WASEM Aberdeen, S.D. and husband Jeremy, a son Ridgely Jaxon, on June 24, 2009. ERIC BORGE Aberdeen, S.D. and wife Amber, a daughter, Kamdyn Marie. SCOTT BENDER Milwaukee, Wis. and wife Bridget, a son, Everett Scott Reid on July 16, 2009. 2004 HEATHER (WOEHLHAFF) DUNCAN Aberdeen, S.D. and husband, RAPHAEL (’04), a daughter, Ameila Viola on April 2, 2009. TAMI JOHNSON Aberdeen, S.D. celebrated the birth of a daughter, Veronica Estelle Velasco Johnson on May 25, 2010. TREVOR MISCHKE Watertown, S.D. and wife, ERIKA (ROHRBACH) ’04, a daughter, Chloe on March 24, 2010. JUSTIN JUNG Aberdeen, S.D. and wife, KAREN (BOHLING) ’04, a son, Jordan Alan on April 12, 2010. 2005 CHAD MILLER Aberdeen, S.D. and wife, Terri, a son, Talon Riley born May 18, 2010. 2008 CHELSEY (DEIBERT) ALBRECHT Aberdeen, S.D. and husband Christopher, a daughter, Camryn Rae, on March 29, 2010. KIM (ROSELAND) BOWMAN Aberdeen, S.D. and husband, KALEB ’09, a son, Brock Bruce on September 2, 2010. WEDDINGS 1972 JANE WIGHT married Nick Rayman. 1974 ERVIN HABECK married Kathryn North. 1986 KIM REMILY married Malanie Thome. 1988 CRAIG JOHNSON married Agatha Aman. 1994 BARBARA J. MOECKLY married CHRISTOPHER ROEHRICH ‘00. 1996 DARIN SWANSTON married Jennifer Understock. 1999 ERIN SHEKORE married Mark Gutjahr. 2003 JANELLE STAHL married Jared Ladbury. 2004 JUSTIN BRIESE married Stacey Simmons. 2005 MEGAN (LEISEN) DANIELS married Rudi Daniels. JOANNE TAYLER married BILL FREITAG ‘06. 2006 ROBERT FERGUSON married Karen Tietjen. 2007 ALLEN RYCKMAN II married Taryn Gehring. ERIC GALLAGHER married Desirae Dorow. JORDAN WHITESIDE married Ashley Hallermann. KELLIE HEIER married Sean Calhoun. TESSA METZGER married Matthew Westendorf. TARA MAHLEN married JASON HILL ‘06. ROBIN CARLSON married ZERED FELT ‘07. KATIE MILES married Nathan Anderson. ALYSA HAUGEN married Tim Tulibaski. 2008 DEREK LARSON married ABBEY GARVIN ‘09. STEPHANIE FINN married Elias Rostad. NOELLE HALL married ERIC BERGAN ‘07. JENNILEE MILLER married Jonathan Phillips. 2009 JENNY BOSCH married Jonathon Beitelspacher. GYPSY DAYS Tom McGough B’74 (2010 Kretchman Coaching Award Winner) & Gene Lorenz B’85 (2006 NSU Hall of Fame Inductee) GYPSY DAYS L-R Jeff, Katie & Sherry B’83 Nelson and Thunder
12 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y News ALUMNI MAGGIE GRUENER married Robert Weidner. VALERIE MOORE married Zachary Nelson. ANNIVERSARY 1942 LAVERNE (WALL) DICKEY Aberdeen, S.D. and husband Orville celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on July 2, 2009. 1947 CLARENCE RATH Whitewood, S.D. and wife Virginia celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 27, 2009. ARNOLD HERRBOLT Hosmer, S.D. and wife, Arlene, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. 1950 EARLE SNYDER Faulkton, S.D. and wife Irene celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 29. 1954 VIRGIL HANSEN Orient, S.D. and wife Millia celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 14, 2009. DALE and JOAN SPELLMEN Aberdeen, S.D. celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on September 5, 2009. 1956 DOUG BERKLEY Aberdeen, S.D. and wife RHODA ‘56 celebrated their 50th wedding on June 22, 2009. MYRNA (WILKE) STANGE Stratford, S.D. and husband Gary celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. JEAN (FULKER) GOERING Sacramento, Calif. and husband Don celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in August 2010. 1957 LEON LASSANSKE Selby, S.D. and wife Phyllis celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 6, 2009. 1958 SHEILA (PAETZNICK) GARNESS Waubay, S.D. and husband LEONARD ‘58 celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. 1959 PAUL JORDRE Glenham, S.D. and wife SONIA (KNUDSON) ‘59 celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 16, 2009. GYPSY DAYS Left to right – Gaylan Lang B’74, Kevin Foss with his son Esten, Carly Evans B’98 (in poodle skirt), Erin Janusz next to her and Chad Evans. GYPSY DAYS Left to right – Carly Evans B’98, Queen Laura Eidsness, Erin Janusz, Kim Sauvage holding the trophy, Chad Evans, daughter Paige Evans, Val Daschel, Joe Sauvage, Gaylan Lang B’74 and Kevin Foss. FRANCIS DETERMAN Mitchell, S.D. and wife, Clara, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on November 26, 2009. SHIRLEY HEIS Aberdeen, S.D. and husband Tom celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 12, 2010. BETTY (NEWNAM) DOBBERPUHL Aberdeen, S.D. and her husband Eugene celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. GEORGE STEWART Webster, S.D. and his wife, NILA (NYGAARD) ‘57 celebarated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 17, 2010. 1960 HENRY NIKOLAS Aberdeen, S.D. and wife Sharon celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 18, 2009. MARVIN GLATT Hoven, S.D. and wife LILLIAN ‘85 celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in July, 2009. 1962 ALLEN BECKLER Aberdeen, S.D. and wife Joyce celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. 1963 RALPH KUSLER Aberdeen, S.D. and wife MARY(RITTER )‘73 celebrated their 50th wedding Anniversary. 1964 ROGER MOORE Gettysburg, S.D. and wife, DELORES (GRIESE) ’74 celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on April 16, 2009. 1965 MARY (DUENWALD) KELLER Hoven, S.D. and husband Bob celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on June 21, 2009. GERALD BECK Sioux Falls, S.D. and wife Patricia celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on June 10, 2010. 1966 RICHARD “DICK” SAUER Aberdeen, S.D. and wife Sharon celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on May 24, 2009. ROBERT LLOYD and wife Gayle celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on August 29, 2009. 1967 ESTHER (REICHERT) AFDAHL Aberdeen, S.D. and her husband, Larry, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on August 28, 2010. 1968 VIVIAN (FUHRER) KRUGER Aberdeen, S.D. and her husband LARRY ‘70 celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. 1969 CHARLES WILCOX Aberdeen, S.D. and wife Betty celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 19, 2009. 1970 SALLY WEBB Aberdeen, S.D. and husband Rob celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on June 20, 2009. PATRICIA (ANDERSON) ARMENT Aberdeen, S.D. and husband Lynn celebrated their 40th anniversary. 1971 REED DORNBUSH Aberdeen, S.D. and wife Tricia celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on June 16, 2009. 1979 BRENDA (BOLLINGER) SCHAFFER Sturgis, S.D. and her husband, Joe, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in June 2010. TERRY BANKER Aberdeen, S.D. and his wife CINDY (SCHLEPP) ‘74 celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in June 2010. 1980 EARL MEHLHAFF Eureka, S.D. and wife Letty (Ward) celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on May 16, 2009. 1982 LELA (SIEGER) HOLCOMB Bath, S.D. and her husband Jerry celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. 1983 JAMES HELLER Aberdeen, S.D. and wife Michala celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary.
13 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y News ALUMNI 1985 RICHARD BACON Aberdeen, S.D. and wife, Karen, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Aug. 28, 2010. 1989 SHIRLEY PELKOFER Aberdeen, S.D. and husband Dennis celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in June 2010. 1995 MARILYN (REHFELD) FLEMMER and husband Al celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary September 13, 2009. Faculty LONN SWEET Sun City West, Ariz. and wife, DOROTHY (‘75), celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 27, 2010. Friend WALTON JOHNSON Britton, S.D. and wife MARLYS celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 21, 2009. DALE HILGEMANN Aberdeen, S.D. and wife JANE celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 20, 2009. JOE JUVE Aberdeen, S.D. and wife THERESA celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on June 23, 2009. LARRY WAGNER Webster, S.D. and wife CONNIE celebrated their 40th anniversary on July 5. DUANE SUKUT Aberdeen, S.D. and wife GLORIA celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in July, 2009. TODD ZENS Aberdeen, S.D. and wife AMY celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. MICHAEL CRADY Aberdeen, S.D. and wife JAN celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. JOE PFEIFFER Aberdeen, S.D. and wife CORRINE celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on August 16, 2009. JIM FULLER Aberdeen, S.D. and wife BRENDA celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on August 18, 2009. JAN PERRION Ipswich, S.D. and husband DUANE celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on August 22, 2009. BRUCE and DOLLY EVANS Aberdeen, S.D. celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. RON and JOANNE LYREN Aberdeen, S.D. celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. JULIUS KIRSCHENMAN Aberdeen, S.D. and his wife MAVIS celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in June 2010. Staff JIM SITTER Aberdeen, S.D. and his wife DIANE celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in July 2010. MEMORIALS 1929 INEZ (TAYLOR) WOLTER April 12, 2009. 1932 SRELDA (KIENAST) VINING September 20, 2009. 1933 EVELYN (ALLGAIER) JONES June 11, 2009. VERNA (HODSON) HANSON July 31, 2009. 1934 WILDA (BICKEL) KELLEY February 17, 2010. 1935 IRENE (GOULD) FISCHBACH April 12, 2010. 1936 AMY MCPHEE August 10, 2010. 1937 JAMES ZILVERBERG March 31, 2009 SUSAN (WAGEMANN) SMOLNISKY July 7, 2009. LUCILLE (ERICKSON) OLSEN April 22, 2010. 1938 ALFRED BULL August 4, 2009. ELIZABETH (DAULTON) PORTER June 16, 2009. BARBARA (BIXLER) LAY May 30, 2009. 1939 ELAINE (BARKEMA) HANSON May 29, 2009. MARY (DAULTON) MANNING April 22, 2010. FLOYD SPILDE May 1, 2010. 1940 ALINE(ANTOINE) RICH March 4, 2009. AGNES (STEWART) MENZEL Miner April 3, 2010. 1941 MARJORIE(TIPTON) SEEFELDT September 19, 2008. ROBERT RIEDL June 4, 2009. SUSANNA (MEIER) BRAMMER August 5, 2010. 1942 ESTHER(ANDERSEN) KORAB February 17, 2009. WILMER STIEGELMEIER August 29, 2009. 1943 CORA (EULBERG) DOSCH April 13, 2009. ELEANORE LOUISE (PEDEN) SESANDER October 17, 2009. ELAINE (WOLTER) THIEL April 17, 2010. TILLIE (MOSER) DIETTERLE June 29, 2010. ELVERA (SCHLEY) LANE July 5, 2010. 1945 FRANCIS E. GUHIN May 19, 2009. ETHEL (MORSE) LIECHTI June 25, 2009. DARLENE (KNOLL) MEYER August 15, 2009. 1946 RICHARD JENSEN March 6, 2010. 1947 MILTON SILVERSTEIN August 29, 2009. 1948 PATRICIA (WHITESELL) WINCKLER March 12, 2009. DONNA SUTHER August 25, 2010. 1949 AUDREY TRAMP September 16, 2008. GYPSY DAYS Harold Pardew B’64, NSU head football coach Tom Dosch, Robert Taylor B’53 and Jim Winters B’64. GYPSY DAYS Steve Hanley, Dave Tuch, Joe Zerr B’86, Jeff Bock and Tami Zerr.
14 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y News ALUMNI ERLYS(JORGENSON)KRUEGER December 7, 2009. MARCELLA (LONGEN) ARTZ April 22, 2010 1950 ERWIN CLEVEN June 27, 2008. DR. F OTTO SCHNAIDT April 23, 2010. 1951 VESTA VIOLA (SILVERNAIL) ELLIS May 18, 2009. ELEANOR NADDY June 25, 2009. ETTA (ERVIN) OLSON December 9, 2009. CURTIS BECKER April 17, 2010. 1952 INEZ (HALL) KULA September 21, 2009. 1954 SHIRLEY (ARNESON) SCHNEIDER February 12, 2009. LEONARD HAMAK Aug 29, 2009. MERLYN AMAN March 4, 2010. 1955 CARLOS SUNNE May 29, 2009. HARRIET (HOLMES) DAPPEN February 1, 2010 1956 SR. VIRGINIA CALMUS March 5, 2010. JANET (STEINLICHT) KOENING September 20, 2010. 1957 ADA HYNES April 12, 2009. GLADYS (SWENSON) HOEFERT April 28, 2009. 1958 DONALD REED August 20, 2009. KEITH ISAACSON March 6, 2010. DON RESHETAR October 14, 2010. 1959 RICHARD ‘DICK’ CROW May 8, 2009. IRENE (ALBRECHT) JENKS April 8, 2009. RUTH (RITTER) KRAFT May 25, 2009. ARNOLD LARSEN Oct. 13, 2009. DOROTHY (HERRON)SCHULZ July 28, 2010. 1960 ROBERT BRISCOE June 9, 2010. 1961 MARCELLA “MARCIE” KAUL August 18, 2010. 1962 PRYL (HAGUE) GOODRICH August 14, 2009. 1963 BRUCE MEHLHAFF August 2, 2009. CLEO A. STEVENS May 31, 2010. 1964 LEROY(LEE) MCDOWELL July 16, 2010. 1965 RICHARD STROM February 13, 2009. HELEN (ROWLEY) MARTINS June 30, 2009. DOUG SWEETLAND July 2009. RICHARD GREBNER August 30, 2009. MARY TALCOTT August 20, 2010. 1966 JOYCE (BOLLAND) LARDY April 25, 2009. FRED BURRER June 11, 2010. HARRY HIMMERICH September 6, 2010. 1967 LOREN M. LARSON May 23, 2010. 1968 LYNN LARRY PERRY August 3, 2009. ROBERT LEHR September 15, 2009. BARBARA D. SHEFFIELD July 1, 2010. 1970 ADELINE (URBAN) WITT May 9, 2009. EDNA SCOTT-JOHNSON September 3, 2009. LISA (WOODS) OLSON November 8, 2009 HELEN RABA AMBORN November 4, 2009. EDWARD MEHLHAFF May 26, 2010. 1971 ESTELLA (HOWE) OLSON September 15, 2009. RANDALL FINWALL March 25, 2010. FLORENCE (WALZ) GUHIN March 20, 2010. ROBERT SCHULTZ March 24, 2010. GRACE (FARSTAD) STEWERT July 6, 2010. JERALD M. “JERRY” MCNEARY September 8, 2010. BEVERLY (FOLSON)FLAGTWET September 16, 2010. 1972 JAMES N. HAUCK May 9, 2009. 1973 WILLIAM MANNION May 27, 2010. 1974 ALAN HEWITT April 9, 2010. KIM(KAISER) CHARRON July 28, 2010. 1976 JEANETTE(GULICKSON) HURRELL March 1, 2009. 1977 STUART NEUHARTH April 6, 2010. 1978 DANIEL J. KRIKAC August 15, 2009. 1980 RICHARD BEARDEMPHL September 13, 2009. ALUMNI GOLF L-R, Front: Barb Haar B’68, Phyllis Walters, Juanita Brummer, Romy Thomas, Juanita Christiansen, Jan (Lochridge) Long B’72, Charles Hruby B’00, Zach Flakus B’93, MS’08. Middle: Todd Jordre B’86, MA’87, Jim Haar B’68, Tobin Mason B’92, Brad Krueger, Paula (Stolsmark) Krueger B’95, MS’96, Mark McNeary B’90, Quentin Riggins B’02, Eddie Heisinger B’02, Randy Long, Mike Birgen B’92, Bob Olson B’77, MS’80. Back: NSU head football coach Tom Dosch, Rory McKittrick B’84, Gene Lorenz B’85 MA’86, Pat Wolff, Ron Stotz, Richard Rylance B’78, Jason Young B’93, Bart Berndt MS’65
15 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y News ALUMNI SHARON (BOCK) LUST April 17, 2010. 1982 CAROL(BECKER)PFITZER February 27, 2009. AMY (HEAGLEY) CLARK August 25, 2009. 1984 MILTON KNOLL March 7, 2010. SHARON A. (GREEN) JONES September 25, 2010. 1990 FRANCIS JOHN “FRANK” MANGAN August 7, 2009. Faculty EVELYN RIMEL August 6, 2009. Friend TOM SCHLACHTER March 5, 2009. JAMES A. WYLY March 10, 2009. JIM FIDDLER February 17, 2009. DONALD BLOKE May 23, 2009. MARIAN (DEMPSEY) DAVIES May 26, 2009. ALAN BLOOM June 11, 2009. LORRAINE S. VOLZKE June 29, 2009. ELLA LARSON July 11, 2009. EVERETT HOFER July 21, 2009. LILLIAN (BIRKLAND) SABOL July 29, 2009. MARGARET KETTERING July 29, 2009. HOWARD JONES June 13, 2009. DR. LEROY Larson June 2, 2009. JOHN HEIN September 9, 2009. ERWIN SIEFKES March 27, 2010. JOSEPH LAUINGER March 8, 2010. MARJORIE STEWART April 6, 2010. RUTH OLSON April 12, 2010. CAROLYN JACOBSON April 19, 2010. DR. WILLIAM TAYLOR April 22, 2010. IONE EHLEY May 27, 2010. EDMUND FRANCIS MURRARY June 10, 2010. MARY JANE HARRIS July 9, 2010. KEITH CUTLER July 7, 2010. ROSEMARY (WILCOX) RESHETAR July 14, 2010. RUTH RISAGER July 30, 2010. ORVILLE STANGL July 27, 2010. GARY HOLLER August 13, 2010. Char Larsen, Jack Larsen ’59, Geri Rasmussen, Marv Rasmussen ’57, Jane Buntrock, Loren Buntrock ’59, Monte Goodrich ’59, Lynn Weiss, Gary Weiss ’59, Joyce Goodrich ’63 keep intouch Send to: Editor, Northern State University 1200 S. Jay St., Aberdeen, SD 57401-7198 visit www.northern.edu/alumni
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