4 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y GYPSY 2010 D A Y S POODLE SKIRTS, SIDEBURNS, HOT RODS AND DINERS were the new craze as the 95th Annual Gypsy Day celebration, “Fifties Fever” jived across the Aberdeen Campus on September 18. GO WOLVES! Bethany Ellefson, Flandreau and Thunder. DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI/HALL OF FAME/KRETCHMAN COACHING AWARD RECIPIENTS Lynne Nacke B’00 MS’08, Dr. William Haigh, Eric Kline B’95 MS’99, Tom McGough B’74, Larry Card B’72, Wally Johnson B’64 and Jammie (Coyle) Raba B’00. FOOTBALL REUNION from left to right: Dr. Connie RuhlSmith and President James M. Smith, Morris Bates B’64, Gary Breitag B’62, Monty Brekke B’61, Jack Crippen B’68, Dennis Larson B’62, Harold Pardew B’64, Don Pfaff B’70, Ken Sherrill B’61, Jim Stout B’63, Robert Taylor B’53, Jim Vogt B’62, Gregg Wiitala B’66, Jim Winters B’64, and Roger Youngman B’63. “FIFTIES FEVER”