7 N O R T H E R N T O D A Y STRATEGIC PRIORITY #1 RECRUIT, RETAIN, CHALLENGE and graduate citizens with the highest capacity to enrich their communities through their professional activities and civic engagement. STRATEGIC PRIORITY #2 DELIVER ENHANCED STUDENT RESOURCES that demonstrate student centered planning, seamless entry and navigation of the student experience, and opportunities for a well-rounded, dynamic liberal arts education. STRATEGIC PRIORITY #3 FOCUS ON COMMUNICATING NSU’s identity as an academically rigorous university that offers a meaningful university life experience and provides a foundation for success. STRATEGIC PRIORITY #4 PREPARE STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS in an increasingly global culture by coupling a solid foundation in critical thinking and communication with international learning opportunities and up-to-date technologies. STRATEGIC PRIORITY #5 BUILDING PARTNERSHIPS for design, preparation, execution, and completion of scholarly research in all areas of learning. News NORTHERN 2010 STRATEGIC PLANNING: MISSION FORWARD In addition, the plan sets the stage for development of individual work plans of each of the units within Northern’s organizational structure. The fundamental mandate that drives the institution is rooted in South Dakota Codified Law and acts as a key guide to Northern’s existence. MISSION THE PRIMARY PURPOSE of Northern State University, at Aberdeen in Brown County...is the preparation of elementary and secondary teachers, and a secondary purpose is to offer preprofessional, one-year and two-year terminal and junior college programs. Four-year degrees other than in education and graduate work may be authorized by the Board of Regents. (SDCL 13-59-1) PURPOSE NSU is a University dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the liberal arts and in graduate and professional education. Its distinctiveness in its pursuit of mission derives from its coeducational and residential character; its size and location; and its role as a public, state-sponsored University. VISION NSU will be a nationally-recognized, student-centered institution committed to academic and extracurricular excellence, providing high quality programs, cuttingedge technology, and global learning opportunities in a beautiful Midwestern setting. C O N N E C T HIGHEST ETHICAL INTEGRITY in all we do. A commitment to responsible stewardship. Development of human, intellectual, cultural, financial, and environmental resources. E N A B L E TEAMWORK, COOPERATION AND MUTUAL RESPECT in an environment that is diverse in knowledge, culture, and world view. Striving to deliver seamless, student-centered, and experience-rich educational opportunities. E D U C A T E EXPANDING RESEARCH AND TEACHING to issues of importance to our community, state and region. Assuring academic rigor and the highest standards of excellence in all intellectual inquiry. VALUES …ENSURING NORTHERN STATE UNIVERSITY not only remain a vital part of the South Dakota Regental system, but also grows as a nationally-recognized, studentcentered institution committed to academic and extracurricular excellence… THE STRATEGIC PLAN has five major core elements. These elements include a purpose statement, core values, vision, strategic priorities, and organizational goals driven by each strategic priority.