Northern Today Spring 2020
NORTHERN TODAY 11 SPRING 2020 Andrew Rehder, NSU Foundation Board Member, 3M Plant Manager Andrew Rehder, manager of 3M Co. in Aberdeen, got the call from headquarters on Jan. 21. He gathered about 20 managers and supervisors into a conference room, where they sat, unworried, less than 6 feet apart. Rehder told them that a new virus was spreading rapidly from China and that 3M was expecting demand for protective gear to jump. “A lot has changed in three months. We knew it wouldn’t be a two-week blip; it would be longer. But I had no idea. People are very proud to work in a place that’s making respirators, especially with the need that’s out there now.” 3 12 13 16 22 24 NSU announces it will extend spring break for one week. Gov. Kristi Noem declares a state of emergency for South Dakota, calling for remote work when possible and prohibiting out-of-state travel. President Downs sends out the first message to campus regarding the COVID-19 virus, discussing preparedness and prevention tips. MARCH Northern announces it will close campus to the general public and cancel all public events through April 3. Northern announces it will temporarily move classes online through April 6. Brown County has its first confirmed case of COVID-19. Northern, along with other Board of Regents institutions, announces it will move classes online for the rest of spring semester. Campus remains closed with events now canceled through May 15. NSU opens complimentary rooms in Wolves Memorial Suites to emergency medical professionals who are fighting the COVID-19 virus. Northern announces summer courses will be held online as well, in an effort to assist the state in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Northern holds a virtual commencement, with President Downs conferring degrees via online video. Spring graduates will be honored at Gypsy Days this fall and also invited to participate in winter commencement. 6 1 1 9 9 APRIL MAY JUNE Northern announces it will resume on- campus operations, including face-to- face learning, for fall 2020, following BOR guidance. WO LV E S M A K I N G A D I F F E R E N C E David Berg (1982), Senior Administrator of Mayo Clinic Health System “Responding to the unprecedented challenge of fighting COVID-19, the U.S. government is supporting a national Expanded Access Program to collect and provide convalescent plasma to patients in need across the country. Plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients contains antibodies that may help fight the disease. Working collaboratively with industry, academic and government partners, Mayo Clinic will serve as the lead institution for the program.” Joe Gomez (2017), Intensive Care Nurse A former All-American wrestler for NSU, Joe used Northern’s collaboration with SDSU to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in nursing. Now, he works as an intensive care nurse in the Sanford Hospital in Sioux Falls, a recent hotspot in the COVID-19 battle. Dr. Carin (Rambow) Martinson (2005) “During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we at HealthPartners Olivia Hospital and Clinic are doing our best to provide safe and quality care to all of our patients. I personally hope that everybody is doing their best to keep themselves safe and healthy as well, and to stay positive during these challenging times.” Rich Adcock (1990), CEO of Verity Health Systems What can we do? “Everyone is saying this, but I can’t stress it enough: Stay home and practice personal hygiene on a level you never have before. We will get through this, but it takes everyone.” Is this as bad as the flu, heart disease, etc.? “We cannot compare this virus to anything we have ever seen. Do not draw false equivalents to this situation by comparing it to the flu, obesity, heart disease, etc. This is extremely contagious and dangerous.” Staff members start returning to campus.
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