
NORTHERN TODAY 6 SPRING 2017 NORTHERN NEWS TEN YEARS AGO as a new faculty member, Dr. Alyssa Kiesow planted the seed of an idea to expand science education at Northern State University. Over the years, Kiesow has watched her initial idea grow, leading to more students, faculty and programs—and now, the new NSU Regional Science Education Center. Kiesow’s vision for a strategic plan was the catalyst behind this forward momentum for the university, but she said it would not have happened without the team effort of her departmental colleagues. “We work well together, all working toward a common goal,” said Kiesow, associate professor of biology. “Though I planted the seed, we all, i.e., science faculty as well as administrators worked to get where we are at now.” Under the guidance of former College of Arts and Sciences Dean Dr. Celestino Mendez and the mentorship of Emeritus Professor Dr. Susan Landon-Arnold, Kiesow led the charge in updating the curriculum, creating biotech programs, promoting the accelerated nursing program partnership, and seeking more grant funding. This led to additional faculty members, twice the number of biology majors, and facilities such as a cadaver lab. Kiesow also brought the department together to collaborate on a strategic plan that led to the campus greenhouse and the Regional Science Education Center. Growing science education A faculty member was the catalyst behind a plan that led to the NSU Regional Science Education Center.